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Вторник, 11-02-25
Главная » Фотоальбом » Детство »
Просмотров: 599 | Размеры: 263x325px/21.5Kb
Дата: 04-12-06
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Всего комментариев: 14
1 jinga  
О, какая фотка замечательная! Класс!
Однако и юношей Зидан был неотразим smile

2 Vincenzo  
Аха, губки такие пухленькие.... Глазки, будто заспанные..

3 methos  
Just as I'm browsing through this fantastic collection!
Actually he's about 20 when he did his military service so it's not exactly childhood.... But isn't he the cutest thing?
Ответ: This is childhood. Couse he's not 20. This is picture from his college. So it's 1986. Actually he's about 14.

4 Vincenzo  
You will look at this photo. On this photo he in the same shirt. - And in twenty years he looked considerably more senior.

green shirt

5 methos  
You're right, he did look younger than 20, though the person who sent it to me did say that it was taken during his military service and I remember that he did it during his last year in Cannes. Hard to tell though -- I think he looks younger in some photos and older in others.

I may get a bigger version of this in a few days.

6 Samira  
О, шикарное фото юного Зизу smile

7 methos  
btw I don't remember seeing these three photos in your 1994-96 Les Bleus gallery. I think they're from that France-Israel game in '95:


8 Vincenzo  
Thanks a lot for this pictures. wink

P.S. It's a photo not from his service in an army, it's a picture from the album of college were Zizou studied being in Marseilles . On a picture, that I've show to you before - weigh class, on this one - his portrait. Standard "set". He passed army service in 19 years. In autumn 1991. In the battalion of Zhoenvil. Under the direction of Roger Lemmiere. smile I have few photos in a book - and he's more senior.

9 Vincenzo  
Oh, I see how I can prove it. Here's the same photo, only the small one. On the right on this licence - a date, it is effective in a season 1986-87. It means this photo should be made earlier, than summer 1986

10 methos  
Thanks a lot! Good to know fans who're this dedicated! :-)
I do wish there's a bigger version of that green shirt group photo though. That's way too small.....

11 Vincenzo  
Ok, good to know that somebody (and this is not me)) have his photo from his childhood. I added to the album those pictures which you gave. Thanks. Yes, they're from France - Israel game in 1995.

12 jinga  

13 Клюшка  
Никому не кажется, что он здесь Сережу Бодрова (тоже какой самобытный парень был) напоминает?

14 vikoz  
Клюшка сбодровым правда сходство есть.....а я думаю с кем он похож на фото... biggrin

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